Creatopia® Call for Contributions
Summer 2022 – Retro
July 2022
- Publication
- Contributor Feature Page
- Social Media/Website Features
- Complimentary Copies (digital / one physical)
- Bio Links (digital)
June 20, 2022
We are pleased to announce a call for contributions to our Summer 2022 Edition of the Creatopia® Collection Magazine, a visual and design centric magazine edition with peppy tomato red and vibrant turquoise for an easygoing Summer with a “Retro” theme. We welcome contributions from authors, artists, and makers of all kinds who have something beautiful to bring to the world.
We founded Creatopia® for creative people, artists, and like-minded folks to create, share and grow while being part of a vibrant community that values the creative arts. We feature content on creative living, products, and education.
Contributions welcomed include short stories, poetry, humor, home and lifestyle, cooking, recipes, interviews, project/how-to, general nonfiction, music, and other creative pieces related to the theme. Biased, discriminatory, or promotional content will not be accepted.
The theme of this issue is “Retro,” and the feature colors are rich Tomato Red and shimmering Turquoise. Summer just rolled up in a cool Retro vibe and is inviting us to take it easy and live a little!
The weather is fine with long days, soft nights and the sounds and smells of summer: frogs, fireworks, cut grass, bonfires and beaches. Share the Summer of your memories and dreams: lazing in a hammock, swimming, napping, fireflies, hot dogs, sandcastles and the endless warm sunny days.
This edition celebrates Summer the livin’ is easy! Check out our sample board for more inspiration.
General Requirements
Submit text in English with language appropriate to a broad, general audience.
Word count is flexible but under 3000 words is preferred.
Images are NOT required.
Poetry submissions must be typed with line formatting as desired. Poetry contributors may (but it is NOT required) also submit original sketches, paintings, or illustrations to accompany their work.
Author bio (maximum 50 words) and headshot are required, bio links will be included where possible.
Reprint and previously published items are OK but please include first publication and date with reprint permission.
All submissions MUST be by this form.
Deadline: June 20, 2022
Creatopia™ editors will copy-edit your contribution to correct for minor grammatical, spelling, and other content-related errors without contacting you. Contributions that require major editing changes will be returned to the author for revision.
Once materials are published on Creatopia™ properties, all rights revert to the author/artist. We do ask that if you submit the work for publication elsewhere that you indicate the work appeared on Creatopia™, with a link if appropriate. Read the full terms and conditions for submission here.
Contributor Submission FAQ
Do I keep copyright to my work?
Yes! Your work is yours and you’re granting Creatopia™ the right to use it in our magazine and other publications and outlets.
Are you going to edit or change what I submitted?
Perhaps. We do reserve the right to edit, correct and revise your submission to better fit our various publishing needs. If the need for substantial editing arises, the work will be returned to you for those changes.
Will you edit my poetry?
No, poetry submissions are printed EXACTLY as they are provided. It’s your responsibility that all spelling, punctuation, word choice and line breaks be exactly as you wish it to appear.
Do you use my name, likeness and/or bio?
Yes, we love to give credit where it’s due! We do use your credit information wherever possible in conjunction with the publication of your work.
Can I use the version you publish instead of my own?
Sadly, no, that version is considered the “Publishers Version” and is reserved to our use. If a situation comes up that you need to use it instead of your original, please contact us for more information and/or permission.
What if it’s not all my own work?
Then we can’t use it unless you have written permission to use any portion that is not your own. Even then, we may decide not to publish the work.
Can I submit something that’s been published before?
Yes, you’re welcome to submit reprints. Be sure to let us know it’s a reprint along with where and when it appeared and any necessary permissions.
Can you let me know about the next call for submissions and editorial calendar updates?
Yes! Sign up right here for our Contributors Update Mailing and you’ll be the first to know.
What happens to my files when you’re done?
We delete your original version from our system while keeping a copy of the Publishers Version. We may keep a copy of your profile image, bio and credit links to continue to credit your work. If you want us to delete these from our systems, please let us know in writing. Remember that doing so will cause us to stop promoting your work