Studio News

Everyday Creativity – All Day, Every Day!

Everyday Creativity – All Day, Every Day!

"Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones." Bruce Garrabrandt That quote says so much about the nature of creativity - it's with us always and springs to life at the most ordinary and everyday times. We...

Fun Project Printable: Pretty Paper Fortune Cookies

Fun Project Printable: Pretty Paper Fortune Cookies

Have fun with your Valentine’s festivities with this free printable. Just download, print, cut and assemble – easy! HELPFUL LINKS: When available, we may use an affiliate link where we may earn a commission to help you find the products we recommend. This happy...

New Year? Design a New Life with Creative Classes!

New Year? Design a New Life with Creative Classes!

It’s that time again: you have hope and resolutions for the future, but are they just vague ideas floating around without form? This time, make them real and substantial and fulfilling with a class from Creative Live that will help you get unstuck about your future...